Q: Why Can’t I, freinds, flamily or a normal cleaning company clean the scene?A: Normal cleaing companies and others can not clean up biohazards unless properly trained in the disinfecting / removal of the bio-waste. Improper cleaning can lead to serious risk factors, problem with future odor’s and public health hazards.
Q: How much will this cost?A: Due to the nature of our business all scenes are handled on an individual basis, and we will be happy to come out and give you a free consultation.
Q: Who pays for your services?A: Home, business, and auto insurance usually cover the costs for our services, we will handle the billing and dealing with the insurance agency for you.
Q: What if I dont have insurance?A: Our company can work with you to see the best plan in dealing with this matter. There is also helpful Government resource�s on our links page witch could be valuable to you.
Q: Why should I use Absolute Bio-Clean?A: We are trained and proficient in infectious waste handling and decontamination procedures that are effective against dangerous bloodborne pathogens including but not limited to HIV-1, Hepatitis-B Virus, and MRSA. We are trained and equipped in removal and disposal of biohazards. We specialize in trauma and crime scene abatement, suicides, decomposition, natural deaths, and animal biohazard remediation.
Q: Why do we need a cleaning service like yours, doesn’t the Fire, Police, or Coroner clean up?A: Many people do not know that all the agencies listed above will not do anything but remove the injured or deceased from the place of incident. This in turn leaves the property owner responsible of cleaning up after they leave.